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Etter, Bob Smoot, Teri Soules, Gary
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Top 75% of All Rated Players Sacramento Dec 7, 2023 ... Sacramento average Power Rating: 47.51
Rank PR Games Name Rank PR Games Name Rank PR Games Name
1 61.55 112 Allan, Douglas 8 50.25 23 Racine, Denis 15 48.06 83 Giroud, James
2 59.31 107 Smoot, Teri 9 49.94 276 White, Nicklos 16 48.06 327 Rosen, Thomas
3 58.64 130 Vidaver, Dave 10 49.59 46 King, Barbara 17 47.67 88 Plocher, Jane
4 56.23 107 Thomas, Paul 11 48.58 98 Hutton, Jackie 18 47.03 49 Andrews, Kaye
5 55.54 197 Robertson, Richard 12 48.54 154 Smith, Kevin 19 45.66 125 Ritchie, Sharon
6 51.35 115 Landis, Bonnie 13 48.33 221 Zetterberg, Dorothy 20 44.61 99 Alexander, Sharyn
7 51.32 82 Somervill, Barbara 14 48.32 532 Johnson, Ernest 21 44.18 45 Garfinkle, Jan

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