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Alphabetical order

Top 75% of All Rated Players Reno Dec 7, 2023 ... Reno average Power Rating: 49.54
Rank PR Games Name Rank PR Games Name Rank PR Games Name
1 58.55 66 Merritt, Steven 7 52.43 201 Mickle, Barbara 13 48.90 43 Jonas, Jackie
2 57.57 81 Parsons, Donald 8 52.20 252 Greenthal, Richard 14 48.04 105 Hildreth, Martha
3 57.51 24 Grijalva, Rolando 9 50.57 115 Cannell, Kats 15 47.17 41 Ross, Cherri
4 56.28 77 Scoggin, Richard 10 50.27 40 Wright, David 16 46.91 42 Genots, nil
5 54.53 135 Simkins, Elaine 11 49.69 91 Trop-Zell, Helen 17 46.64 63 Walz, Diane
6 53.25 57 Levitre, Jeannene 12 49.28 73 Waldren, Eleanor 18 46.61 138 Ernst, Marie

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