11/13/23 A Sec B N/S Bridge Club of Atlanta Strat/Flight rate rate pair # G% DOD MP PR AvgPR 52.04 Regenstein, Kent 43.76 Bardack, Richard 5 65.00 -6.30 B A 48.02 41.19 Sherman, Stephany 41.40 Turner, Joann 2 63.75 -5.20 C C 41.04 44.15 Brightwell, Barbara 48.98 Lybarger, Jeffrey 3 56.67 -6.08 A A 46.59 44.20 Kelly, Dennis 39.90 Brandt, Bruce 7 49.58 -5.32 B B 42.13 65.82 Fine, Robert 24.20 Goldstein, Marsha 4 45.83 -5.82 A B 45.05 40.49 Edmonds, Deany 43.99 Smith, Elaine 6 35.00 -5.35 C C 41.94 44.79 Balfour, Christy 45.40 Clabby, Tammy 1 34.17 -5.83 B B 44.57 Total N/S Power Ratings 620.32 Average Power Rating 50.01 11/13/23 A Sec B E/W Bridge Club of Atlanta Strat/Flight rate rate pair # G% DOD MP PR AvgPR 49.91 Bass, Dale 48.28 Hammett, George 3 60.42 -5.55 A B 49.07 47.07 Watson, Francoise 39.77 Scheer, Ed 6 56.25 -4.60 C C 43.44 54.72 Swain, Dave 49.98 Johnston, Carl 4 54.17 -6.09 B A 52.31 47.23 Kaplan, Leah 42.28 Charlesworth, Carroll 5 49.58 -4.83 C C 41.13* 37.07 Rappaport, Alex 38.11 Lippincott, Ray 1 48.33 -3.63 C C 37.86 49.10 Willis, Peg 43.48 Purcifull, Renate 7 45.83 -5.08 C B 46.13 44.52 Kaufman, Wendy 40.18 Foster, Judy 2 35.42 -4.43 B C 42.40 Total E/W Power Ratings 631.67 Average Power Rating 50.01