Unit 119 North State Clubs and Sectionals

Clubs that did not report games last month

GBSBridge R Us GC8Carthage Sectional GCA???
GCCCarteret County BC GCOThe 3Cs GDMCCNC Dornochers DBC
GF4Fayetteville Sectional GFCCCCC Duplicate Bridge Club GFDFayetteville Duplicator's
GFFFairfield DBC GG7Goldsboro Sectional GGBGoldsboro Bridge Club
GGEGranville Bridge Club GH8Pinehurst Sectional GHN???
GK4Kill Devil Hills Sectional GL4Laurinburg Sectional GM5Morehead City Sectional
GM9Maneto Sectional GMCMiddle Creek DBC GMHCelebrity DBC
GNRNeuse River Bridge Club GQHQueen of Hearts GR4Raleigh Sectional
GRBRaleigh Bridge Club GRCRecreation Dupl Bridge GS8Southern Pines Sectional
GSFSmithfield Bridge Club GSISandhills Bridge Center LLC GTRTrent River DBC
GV6Winterville Sectional GVBVanderbilt Bridge Club GW6Wilson Sectional
GW7Whispering Pines Sectional GWSWilson Bridge Club GYS???