Pairs most underrated in the Masterpoint system

Underrate(UR) is your Pair Rating less the Pair Rating equivalent of your Masterpoints. To find this equivalent, consult the Master Point to Power Rating conversion chart. Find each partner's Masterpoints in the left column. Masterpoints are converted into Power Ratings in the right column. The Power Ratings are averaged to get the Pair Rating. Since we are more familar with Masterpoints, the results are presented in terms of Masterpoints. (PR/MP's) is your Pair Rating converted to Masterpoints, a tricky situation. Each partner's Power Rating is used. If a partner is not rated, his/her Masterpoints are converted to a Power Rating. Then the Pair Rating is split in the same ratio as the Power Ratings. The resulting splits are doubled before they are converted to Masterpoints. If a partner has no Masterpoints the pair is neither underrated or overrated.

Most underrated pairs with at least 15 games togather
Rank UR PR/MP's MP's PairR Name Rank UR PR/MP's MP's PairR Name
1 8.69 52276 3863 62.06 Hanson, Wesley - Wierzbicki, Michael 19 2.15 467 233 45.76 Davidson, Barbara - Shane, Judith
2 7.36 2466 332 52.22 Solochek, Albert - Solochek, Joyce 20 1.96 67418 20179 62.17 Henry, Doug - Schudson, David
3 6.02 981 167 48.87 Petersen, Carol - Petersen, Bartlett 21 1.88 1383 879 50.25 Dillon, Billie - Boyle, Susan
4 5.93 31562 4387 59.94 Witt, Ted - Wierzbicki, Michael 22 1.67 689 426 47.51 Reed, William - Reed, Mary
5 4.88 281 39 44.26 French, Georgia - Walwyn, Carolyn 23 1.66 321 184 44.74 Hatch, Susan - Major, Lindsay
6 4.81 1160 195 47.71 Alefsen, Sallie - Levine, Ileene 24 1.54 684 442 47.45 Beadell, Priscilla - Miller, Deborah
7 4.71 807 207 48.06 Merar, Barrie - Harris, Mary Lou 25 1.51 4165 2456 53.65 Macheel, Andrea - Burzynski, Judy
8 4.16 5295 1375 54.56 Kalinowski, Ray - Karnowski, Thomas 26 1.48 3372 2059 53.14 Harrington, Mark - Davis, Kimberly
9 3.96 8751 3059 56.81 Flowers, Steve - Stuehler, Pat 27 1.18 229 79 42.24 Brown, Carolyn - Champa, Sheila
10 3.72 47780 12692 58.03 Smith, Kerry - Zimmermann, Deborah 28 1.13 8403 6462 56.61 O'Brien, Jim - O'Brien, Sandra
11 3.70 235 54 43.71 Champa, Sheila - Donnell, Julie 29 1.07 470 374 46.15 Wiljanen, Kathy - Holoubek, Marge
12 3.67 2421 772 51.57 Cooper, Sandra - Bohanon, Margaret 30 0.91 361 284 45.21 Goodman, Burton - Biller, Joel
13 3.49 1012 405 48.98 Levine, Ileene - Margolis, Ann 31 0.64 9308 8053 53.99 Bantz, Charles - Nitschke, Jay
14 3.41 1658 727 51.10 Lathrop, James - Neal, Donna 32 0.54 9057 11357 53.07 Biller, Joel - Schudson, David
15 3.02 4023 2859 52.25 Wiljanen, Kathy - Pereles, John 33 0.49 83 71 41.22 Smuckler, Mark - Smuckler, Nancy
16 2.99 212 64 43.44 Brink, Stephen - Brink, Patricia 34 0.32 564 480 46.55 Polacheck, Larry - Margolis, Ann
17 2.90 1105 512 49.36 Krienke, Mary - Krienke, Scott 35 0.26 452 189 43.39 Wiljanen, Kathy - Blatnik, Donald
18 2.28 2673 1145 51.72 Karnowski, Thomas - Zimmermann, Deborah 36 0.14 3461 3312 53.22 Spyers Duran, Mary - Sosnay, Vicki

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