Pairs most underrated in the Masterpoint system

Underrate(UR) is your Pair Rating less the Pair Rating equivalent of your Masterpoints. To find this equivalent, consult the Master Point to Power Rating conversion chart. Find each partner's Masterpoints in the left column. Masterpoints are converted into Power Ratings in the right column. The Power Ratings are averaged to get the Pair Rating. Since we are more familar with Masterpoints, the results are presented in terms of Masterpoints. (PR/MP's) is your Pair Rating converted to Masterpoints, a tricky situation. Each partner's Power Rating is used. If a partner is not rated, his/her Masterpoints are converted to a Power Rating. Then the Pair Rating is split in the same ratio as the Power Ratings. The resulting splits are doubled before they are converted to Masterpoints. If a partner has no Masterpoints the pair is neither underrated or overrated.

Most underrated pairs with at least 15 games togather
Rank UR PR/MP's MP's PairR Name Rank UR PR/MP's MP's PairR Name
1 7.44 4671 526 52.95 Masterson, Tom - Oppenheimer, Mark 13 1.98 392 212 44.95 Hansen, Karen - West, Anne
2 4.29 3762 954 52.59 Hansen, Bonny - Smith, Gerald 14 1.97 879 507 48.40 Wiles, Suellen - Schulte, Patricia
3 4.13 7132 3001 53.56 Doyle, Jason - Kimmerling, Kathryn 15 1.80 5155 3379 54.58 Hardy, Brian - Blackwell, Leon
4 3.96 3472 1081 53.19 Limbaugh, Robert - Hermanson, June 16 1.51 2729 1624 52.43 Hartmann, Linda - McKillip, June
5 3.54 1903 747 51.29 Masterson, Tom - Rickel, Robert 17 1.35 1489 971 50.00 French, Ivy - Guice, Tracey
6 3.28 3458 1226 53.05 Peterson, Glenn - Sage, James 18 1.06 42973 17967 58.91 Barrett, Karen Lee - Beaurivage, Anne
7 3.25 5679 2281 54.81 Norris, Margaret - Hermanson, June 19 0.91 2813 2462 52.60 Hafner, Daniel - Hermanson, June
8 3.15 71614 20148 62.25 Roussel, David - Barrett, Karen Lee 20 0.70 111 80 41.82 Betz, Carrol - Barth, Karn
9 3.13 5147 1326 53.29 Hardy, Brian - Thompson, William 21 0.53 325 278 44.77 Hansen, Karen - Watson, Debbie
10 3.06 3891 1579 53.31 Whitmore, R - Sage, James 22 0.48 490 435 46.27 Tickner, Eunice - Cunningham, Margaret
11 2.87 4699 1699 54.02 Hardy, Brian - McKillip, June 23 0.44 5179 4447 54.49 Blackwell, Leon - Hafner, Daniel
12 2.71 2830 1227 52.46 Masterson, Tom - Hajek, Anne 24 0.17 4300 3498 53.51 Hafner, Daniel - Norris, Margaret

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