Unit 194 Canadian Maritime Clubs and Sectionals

AAGNew Glasgow DBC AASAnnapolis Valley DBC AB4Bridgewater Sectional
AB5Baie St-Paul Sectional ABEBridge on the Edge ABWBridgewater DBC
AC7Coldbrook Sectional AC8Cornwall Sectional ACBCape Breton DBC
ACGBridge Studio Halifax ACLClare DBC AH4Halifax Sectional
AHXHalifax Bridge World ALPLiverpool DBC AN4New Glasgow Sectional
AN5New Minas Sectional ANWNew Waterford Bridge Club AS5St John's Sectional
AT4Truro Sectional ATRKen-Wo Duplicate Bridge ATSTruro DBC
AVYValley Bridge Club AWRWindsor Duplicate Bridge Club AY4Yarmouth Sectional
AY5Sydney Sectional AYMYarmouth DBC